Citizen Science in the Horizon 2020 Policy Recomendations - Green Paper on Citizen Science
Socientize ( is a coordination and supporting action project funded by the European Commission which aims to connect all the agents involved in the citizen science process, setting the basis in Europe for this new open science paradigm and creating the Green Paper on Citizen Science.

In this document Socientize is compiling policy recommendations related with citizens' engagement in science. Please take the opportunity to contribute to this Green Paper here. All the contributions will be grouped, analyzed and published anonymously. Your name and institution will appear in the contributors list. There is no deadline for contributions, all your comments will be considered within the Green Paper.  

The Green Paper on Citizen Science will be presented in the “ICT2013 - Create, Connect, Grow” the major event on ICT research and innovation to be held in Vilnius on 6-8 November, 2013.

The Socientize consortium
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