2015 SIPA Auction Donation Form
SIPA Endowment's auction will be held during the annual convention February 28, 2015. All donors should mail or bring to the convention a letter or certificate, which will be presented to the winner during the auction.

Mailing address:
Attn: Collyn Taylor
600 Assembly Street
Columbia, SC 29208
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Name *
Mailing Address: *
Donation: *
Please write a brief description of your donation, as you want it to appear on the bidding sheet or send a certificate/letter. Please remember to send a brochure with your certificate/letter if applicable. Also note if there are any restrictions.
Please indicate which auction you think your donation would fit in best. *
Value of your donation: *
Expiration date: *
Does the prize include meals, taxes, parking, gratuity, golf, etc. Please indicate the dates for which your package is or is not available. *
Donation arrival: *
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