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통번단기는 국내 유일하게 국제통번역협회의 ITT자격증 + 캐나다 현지의 통번역 Diploma를 취득할 수 있는 온라인 교육 과정입니다.

* 레벨테스트 결과에 따라 학습자에게 맞는 1:1 진도를 함께 잡아드리고 있습니다.

레벨테스트를 통해 '내게 맞는 급수 & 전체 수강 기간 및 합격률'에 대해 자세한 안내 도와드리겠습니다.

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결과 안내받을 연락처 (해외 거주 시 카카오톡 아이디 남겨주세요^^) *
해외 거주 중이신가요? *
1. 내가 관심있는 과정은 0 이다. *
2. 나는 00 때문에 통번역 공부를 하려고 합니다. *
3. 나는 지금 0 직업을 가지고 있다. *
4. 나는 하루에 통번역을 학습할 수 있는 시간이 0 이다. *
5. 나의 해외경험 및 어학연수 기간은 0 이다. *
6. 통번단기 레벨테스트를 어떻게 응시하게 되었나요? *
Q1) I hate going to that class. I feel so _________!
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Q2) How many hours a day do you watch TV?
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Q3)  ____________ go out for dinner than stay home again.
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Q4) Our neighbour is ……… to Ireland.
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Q5) My girlfriend _______ born on the 2nd of September 1974.
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Q6) The boys _____________ feel well today.
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Q7) Would you like some more tea? ______
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Q8) A Jaguar is ……… than a Fiat.
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Q9) Have you found a job ……… ?
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Q10) That girl looks just like Maria and she has the same family name. They _________ sisters!
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Q11) Where _____?
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Q12) Hania has got two children, ....... ?
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Q13) It was cold so I ______ my thick jumper when I got up.
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Q14) Going to college ____ one of the best decisions a person ever makes.
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Q15) When you’re _____________ slicing the carrots, can you help me with the potatoes?
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Q16) Justin was _____________ for the big exam when he discovered it had been cancelled.
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Q17) Why don’t you have the party _____________ in the garden?
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Q18) I was out of _____ after running five miles.
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Q19) What is the state of the health system in America? It is
The State of Healthcare in America

The standard of medicine in the United States is generally agreed to be very high. There is no shortage of well qualified specialists, and there is a lot of individual attention. Treatment is backed up by the latest in the way of medical technology. Doctors and hospitals do their utmost not to make mistakes, because if they do they risk being made to pay out enormous sums in compensation.

But the American health care system has what look like insoluble problems. There are in fact two systems side by side. One is the private system run on the basis of free competition. The other is the public system which had to be created because such a large part of the population, including many of the elderly, could not afford to pay for the absurdly expensive private treatment.

The public system is vast. A huge proportion - more than 10 per cent - of the United States federal budget goes on it. Yet there are still very large numbers of Americans who are not covered even by this service. The government tries to keep expenditure down and so sets limits to the income of people using the system. Millions of the unemployed are another important group that is excluded.

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Q20) Among those Americans who cannot get proper health care are
The State of Healthcare in America

The standard of medicine in the United States is generally agreed to be very high. There is no shortage of well qualified specialists, and there is a lot of individual attention. Treatment is backed up by the latest in the way of medical technology. Doctors and hospitals do their utmost not to make mistakes, because if they do they risk being made to pay out enormous sums in compensation.

But the American health care system has what look like insoluble problems. There are in fact two systems side by side. One is the private system run on the basis of free competition. The other is the public system which had to be created because such a large part of the population, including many of the elderly, could not afford to pay for the absurdly expensive private treatment.

The public system is vast. A huge proportion - more than 10 per cent - of the United States federal budget goes on it. Yet there are still very large numbers of Americans who are not covered even by this service. The government tries to keep expenditure down and so sets limits to the income of people using the system. Millions of the unemployed are another important group that is excluded.
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* Q.21~Q.30 번역 문제(사전 활용 가능)   Q21) Thank you for the prompt, pertinent, and thoughtful arrangements.
Q22) As I indicated to you earlier in this meeting it can’t be done.
Q23) Although the position we have advertised is filled with someone else, we would like to offer you with another position available if interested.
Supermarkets thrive on holidays and changes of season. No longer a medium-sized store with canned goods stacked on shelves, mega-supermarkets have become places where everyone goes to one-stop shop for everything, including dry-cleaning services, photo processing, prescription filling, flower delivery, cooking lessons, and so on. Supermarkets have become part of the community. Many sponsor scholarships, local events, hunger drives, and many other service-oriented events. They may also give away free turkeys for Thanksgiving and Christmas as a sign of appreciation to their loyal customers.
Putting out the garbage used to be so easy. Paper, food, boxes, glass bottles. Have them out and forget about them. It would be an understatement to say that times have changed. Every item that you no longer need takes careful thought. Should the food scraps be composted or thrown down the garbage disposal in the sink? Should the tops be removed from the glass bottles before they are thrown in a certain bin? Is this envelope recyclable or does it contain materials that are not?
Q26) 노력이 결실을 맺을 수 있기를 진심으로 기원합니다.
Q27) 부디 시간을 내시어 이 파티에 참석해 주셨으면 합니다.
Q28) 현재 가격을 유지한다면 우리는 적자를 면치 못할 것입니다.
요즘 세상에서 성공하기는 매우 힘들다. 어떤 사람들은 다단계 판매를 통해 문제의 해결책을 찾는다. 다단계란 최소한의 노력으로 돈을 버는 사업이다. 다시 말해 좋은 상품을 파는 것이다. 당신의 “휘하”에 사람들을 모아서 그 상품을 팔도록 하고, 또 그들이 다른 사람을 모을 수 있도록 돕는 것이다. 그러면 모르는 사이에 돈을 긁어 모으듯이 수백 명의 사람들이 당신 밑으로 들어오게 된다. 매우 그럴듯하게 들리지만 보기만큼 그렇게 쉽지는 않다. 어쨌거나 오랜 시간과 인내심과 “할 수 있다”는 태도가 여러분을 성공으로 이끌 것이다.
4월 15일자 이 메일에서 말씀하신 90일 간의 지불연기 요청에 대해서 신중히 검토해 보았습니다. 유감스럽게도 당사의 방침상 계약에 관한 법적 권리를 철회하는 것은 불가합니다. 따라서 계약서에 명시된 대로 기한 내에 지불을 해주시기 바랍니다. 협조와 이해해주시면 대단히 감사하겠습니다.
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