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 CLAP Connect Form
CLAP provides resource links and outreach to Sacramento community members. We do not provide emergency or housing search services but we will try our very best to get you to the support to help! 
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Email *
Full Name *
Can you please provide your age?
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Do you identify as male or female?
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What ethnicity do you identify with?
Do you have a Phone Number? Email?
What zip code are you in?
Would you like referrals to the following Financial Empowerment services? Check all that apply
Is there another issue you are dealing with? *
What supports have you had while experiencing this issue? *
How would you like CLAP to support you?
Besides the issue you discussed what other areas of need do you have at this time, if any? *
Are there more details that you would like to add or think we should know?
What is the best time to contact you and follow up? Or meet you if you do not have a phone or email?
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This form was created inside of Report Abuse