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Bam Wham Tesla Cam Submission
Please fill out this form to provide us with your video that you would like featured on Bam Wham Tesla Cam YouTube channel.
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Please provide a link to your video (e.g. Google Drive, Dropbox, Youtube). Please make sure to set permissions such that anyone with the link can view the content. *
To the best of your knowledge, what is the date of the events recorded in video?
What is your name? *
Would you like to get credit for the video? *
What is your email address (so we can contact you if we have any questions)? *
What country was your video recorded? *
What city was your video recorded? *
Description of video (explain what happened) *
What happened after the video? Did the police show up? Did the police file a report? Was someone arrested? Was an insurance claim filed?
Anything else you'd like to add?
Which Tesla vehicle model was the video recorded on? *
What year is the vehicle?
Any additional vehicle details you would like to share?
How would you categorize this video? *
Agreement to Use Shared Video *
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