1) You must keep the signature for at least 1 month to qualify for rewards.
2) We will not count posts made in bounty threads or ANN threads, these do not have any viewership.
3) You must make at least 15 posts per week. Posts in the following sections do not count towards your total: Off-topic and Archival. In addition to any other threads/sections where signatures are not displayed.
4) Only a maximum of 3 posts per week will be allowed in local boards and politics and society.
5) Posts must be at least 75 characters long and must contribute to the topic. Spam, trolling, and copy-pasted posts will not be counted and may lead to disqualification if excessive.
Newbies, Jr. Members and accounts with red (negative) trust are not allowed to apply. Only Members and above are eligible.
6) Full members and above are required to wear the avatar in addition to the signature.