Testing Service Providers
Survey for Testing Service Providers
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Does your company work in other areas also apart from software testing ?
What is your geographic region and what geographic locations you serve?
What types of software testing services provided by your company ?
% foot print in different geographies
What is the current employee strength of your company ?
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What is the average experience and skill profile of your employees? How many employees have industry certifications ?
What are the priorities of your company for next 3 years ?
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What is your company's current revenue from testing services ?
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What is your company's current state and level of partnerships
How many full-time software testers does your company has that are permanently assigned to software testing?
Do your employees have any formal training in software testing or quality assurance?
How would you rate your software testing process?
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What automated tools your company uses for software testing ,if any ?
On which platforms do you test (Windows,Mainframe etc..)?
Does your company maintain quality or service level agreements with customers?
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What is the state of your network infrastructure to connect to customer site from offshore locations? Please describe
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