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Baltic Audience Links: join the network!
Dear Cultural Innovator,

Welcome to the growing BSR network of organisations, institutions and experts working with local sustainable development, culture & social innovation and civic participation!

We seek to strengthen the cooperation of cultural actors around the Baltic Sea by bringing together existing networks and by inviting new members to share their profiles and experience. Does your organisation arrange cultural events for building local communities or do you initiate co-design activities for placemaking? We seek for practitioners!

Cultural organisations from the Baltic states (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia) working with communities are welcome to subscribe short profiles of their initiatives. However, if you are representing any other Baltic Sea Region country, don't hesitate to join! Note: there are TWO SECTIONS.

Networks involved:
Access Europa (;
River // Cities platform (;
Corners (;

Managed by:
RIVER // CITIES platform (international) -;
INTERCULT (Sweden) - independent production and resource unit that engages in trans-border cultural projects.
LAIMIKIS.LT (Lithuania) - urban games and research lab that promotes participatory urban culture, implementing arts-based approach. Contact: /

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Name of your organisation
NGO in cultural sector
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Short description (max. 500 words)
Please, provide basic information about your institution (when it was established, aims and fields of activities)
Website of organisation
Facebook page/ other links to projects are welcome
Contact Person
Name, Second name, Position in the organisation
fb messanger / phone number (optional):
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