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Patients and people living with chronic ailments (like diabetes, obesity/weight management, and musculoskeletal disorders)
Sports Medicine EMR-Integrated Platform
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How important is the ability to track your chronic health condition to you?


How likely are you to use a free app for managing and tracking your chronic health conditions? 


How important is the availability of personalized health plans to you when managing your chronic health conditions?


How satisfied are you with the current methods of managing your chronic health conditions?


How comfortable are you with using technology for tracking your chronic health conditions?


How important are accessibility and convenience to you when managing your chronic health conditions?


How likely are you to subscribe to a paid version of an app that helps you manage diabetes, hypertension,  body weight, musculoskeletal disorders, and other chronic issues?


How important is the cost of treatment to you when managing your chronic health conditions?


How important is the availability of virtual consultations with healthcare professionals to you when managing your chronic health conditions?


How important is the availability of follow-up appointments with healthcare professionals to you when managing your chronic health conditions?


How important is the availability of educational resources on an app to you when managing your chronic health conditions?

How important is the ability to share your health progress and treatment plan with your healthcare provider to you?
How important is the ability to set reminders for exercise treatment to you?
How important is the ability to share your progress with your physicians when using an app to manage your chronic ailments to you?
How important is the accessibility to physical therapy exercises on an app when treating chronic ailments?
How convenient is it for you to go to a physical therapy center twice a week to get treatment for your chronic ailment conditions?

Are there any specific features or services that you would like to see added to an app you use to manage your chronic conditions?

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