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Texas Plasma Physics Undergraduate Workshop
Please complete all required fields (marked with an asterisk). Completion of this form does not guarantee acceptance. Students completing their 1st and 2nd year at a four-year institution, enrolled in a Physics or Engineering program are eligible. Women and Underrepresented groups in plasma physics are especially encouraged to apply. Application deadline: 4/27/2020.

For more information visit:
Email *
What is your full name? *
What is your address?
At which University are you currently enrolled? *
Are you currently enrolled in a 4-year study program? *
What is your major/minor? *
In the Fall 2020 semester you will be starting the ________ of your degree *
What is your expected graduation date (month/year)? *
What college-level physics and calculus courses have you taken? (especially Electromagnetism) *
Please provide a brief statement of interest in this workshop and how you might use what you have learnt (200 word max) *
At the moment, what do you plan to do, academically or professionally, after graduating from college? (200 word max)
(Optional) Are you Hispanic or Latino?
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(Optional) What is your race/ethnicity? (Please check all that apply)
(Optional) Indicate your preferred gender pronoun. This will be printed on the workshop’s nametag for each participant:
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