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Watch Me Grow, Inc. "Ignite The Spark" Youth Program
Are you ready to ignite or awaken the natural curiosity, interests, and talents within you, providing you with opportunities to explore and develop your potential in various areas such as entrepreneurship, academics, arts (music, creative writing, dance, visual, media) sports, and personal growth? We are ready to spark excitement and motivation within all of the participants. To guarantee your space a parent must complete the form below. After completing the form you will receive a call from our Program Manager, Jameelah Hanif, verifying parent permission for youth to participate.
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Youth  First & Last Name 

Youth Age *
Parent First & Last Name *
Parent Direct Contact Number (EMERGENCY) 

Medical Record Number (In case of Accident or Emergency) 
Do you give your child permission to attend the free 6 week program and attend weekly field trips? *
Consent to text providing information for the program only. *

Your presence and participation are greatly valued, and we would like to request your permission to include your image in these photographs or videos. We assure you that all images captured will be used solely for the purposes mentioned above and will be treated with the utmost respect for privacy.

If you grant your consent please click "Yes"

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