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Tell Us Your Story
At NLS, we see stories of injustice everyday. We provide civil legal aid to help ensure fairness for all in the justice system, regardless of how much money you have. In order to provide free legal services we rely on contributions from foundations, private donors, and other sources. These funders want to hear how legal aid has helped you.
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We reserve the right to determine which stories we share and to edit stories for length, clarity, or style. Please only submit information that belongs to you, that you are authorized to share, and that you give us your permission to share with others. If we decide to share your story you'll be asked to sign the appropriate consent and release of information forms.
Before you complete this form, please note:
1. NLS cannot address a legal problem through this form.
2. We cannot provide legal advice, or representation without an eligibility and intake screening.
3. We cannot respond to questions or comments from persons under the age of 18.
4. If you wish to apply for legal help please apply online at
We value your privacy. To help protect your privacy, please do not include your Social Security Number, date of birth, or other confidential information in your message. We reserve the right to determine which stories we share and to edit stories for length, clarity, or style. Please only submit information that belongs to you, that you are authorized to share, and that you give us your permission to share with others. If we decide to share your story you'll be asked to sign the appropriate consent and release of information forms.
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Email Address
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I am over the age of 18.
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We want to hear your story. Please share the nature of your legal problem, what steps you took to resolve it on your own, and how NLS helped you change the outcome.
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This form was created inside of Neighborhood Legal Services Association.

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