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Taste of the World Food and Culture Night
Taste of the World Food and Culture Night is an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of the Cabot community while sharing food and (re)connecting with other families. We would love for families to share a food from their home (or adopted!) country or culture. Snacks, appetizers, main dishes or desserts, anything goes! Some examples include: samosas, crepes, baklava, sushi, peanut butter and fluff sandwiches, grits, cornbread.... the list goes on!
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What is your name? *
What is your email address? *
What is your child's name/class? *
What country/state/culture will you represent? *
What type of dish will you share? (no need to commit yet, we are just getting an idea) *
Would you be open to making a poster about your country/culture for others to learn from? *
Do you need anything from the organizers?
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