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Join ARISE for the - UFT Election 2025  Alliance of Retired and In Service Educators 
Are you interested in joining our coalition of working and retired educators campaign for the upcoming UFT Elections? We are seeking UFT members who want to get involved in the campaign as we work to transform the UFT into a more democratic and just union.

Our coalition, ARISE, is currently made up of three major UFT caucuses: Retiree Advocate, MORE, and New Action, and our coalition is open to all! 

Check out our platform:

We hope you will join us as we work to build our coalition of in service and retiree members of the UFT. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
Last Name
Are you a UFT member?  *
non-DOE e-mail *
Phone number *
Prefer Call or Text *
School DBN
School DBN (database number) is two digits for the DISTRICT, one letter for the BOROUGH (M,X,Q,R,K) and a 3 digit school NUMBER - for example 15K821
What is your school DBN 
If retired, please write "Retired."
Are you currently in a UFT caucus or independent? If so, please indicate your affiliation below  *
Have you previously participated in a campaign for UFT officer elections?  *
Would you like to help spread the word?
Would you like to help collect petition signatures from your coworkers, fellow UFT members or at petition events in February? *
AFT and NYSUT Representative Assembly Delegates
If we win the election, our AFT/NYSUT delegates will attend once a year NYSUT Assemblies, and the 2026 AFT Convention July 16-19 in Washington DC  (the union pays)
Would you be interested in serving as an AFT/NYSUT Delegate or other candidate?
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