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BC Peace Region Bee Club Join Request
Complete this form to request membership or to renew your membership
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Email *
Your REAL first and last name. No alias. We are real people doing real things in the real world. *
Your phone number. Mobile preferred. So we can reach you by call or text messaging when coordinating Bee Club activities or important information. *
Where are your bees located?  No addresses please, just general location relative a town or community landmark. (eg:  5 km northeast of Montney, 3km west of Dawson Creek, ...) *
How many colonies do you have? (or hope to have) *
How many years or seasons of beekeeping experience do you have?  Do you need or would you be interested in pairing with another Club member as a mentor or mentee (or both) ? *
How did you find out about the Bee Club?
What are your first question(s) about the club, or members, or about beekeeping?
The functions of the Bee Club are run BY its members FOR its members. Each activity involved for the Bee Club to run smoothly needs a person doing it. Help is needed. Everyone has some skills to offer. Even just wanting to jump in and help is a skill ;) . Here are just a few categories things the club does that needs people helping with. To get involved, pick as many as you would like participate in, an/or go ahead and add what you think is missing. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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