Want to be a Wired Science Blogger?
Do you have a blog or idea for a blog that would be perfect for the Wired Science Blogs? We're looking to add a few more scientists or science writers to our roster of editorially independent bloggers, and you could be one of them. We're open to blogs that already exist online as well as blogs that are still just ideas. Let us know about your blog and why it belongs on Wired.
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Your Name
Contact Info
Your Background
Tell us about your science and/or writing experience, and anything else you think is relevant.
Writing Samples
Links to some examples of your writing
Blog Description
What's your blog about? Describe the topics it would cover, its scope, its focus and what makes it awesome. (1-3 paragraphs)
Visual Elements
Describe the visual aspect of your blog. What photos, art, graphics, video or other visual elements does your blog include?
Sample Post Ideas
List some examples of post ideas for your blog (1-2 sentences).
What hybrid species do you wish existed (and why)?
Examples: spidershark, gazelligator
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