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Client Satisfaction Survey

Dear Partner,


We would like to thank you for choosing 3DHISTECH products recently.

We are collecting feedback on how we performed in our last engagement. Based on experience this survey will take 5-10 minutes. So, we would like to invite you to fill out our satisfaction questionnaire to get a deeper understanding of your expectation and experiences.

Thank you for your support in advance.


If you have any question, please contact our Marketing Team at

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How long have you, personally, been working with 3DHISTECH as a distributor?


How likely is it that you would recommend 3DHISTECH to a friend or colleague?​ On a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is very likely and 1 is very unlikely.


How many end-users (institute/company) have your company sold 3DH products to?



IN GENERAL, how satisfied are you with 3DHISTECH? On a scale of 1 to ​5, where 5 means you are very satisfied and 1 means you are very dissatisfied.

Kindly enumerate a list of the scanners with which you have experience? *
Can you provide details from the end-users that  could be improved regarding to our scanners? *

Do you have experience with 3DH Diagnostics or Research field?

Diagnostic - How satisfied are you with 3DHISTECH's HARDWARE products, the PANNORAMIC Diagnostic Scanners? On a scale of ​1 to 5, where 5 means you are very satisfied and 1 means you are very dissatisfied.
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Diagnostic - Do you have any experience with 3DHISTECH's PANNORAMIC 480 DX Slide Scanner? *
Diagnostic - How satisfied are you with 3DHISTECH's PANNORAMIC 480 DX Slide Scanner? On a scale of ​1 to 5, where 5 means you are very satisfied and 1 means you are very dissatisfied.
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Diagnostic - Do you have any experience with 3DHISTECH's PANNORAMIC 1000 DX Slide Scanner?
Diagnostic - How satisfied are you with 3DHISTECH's PANNORAMIC 1000 DX Slide Scanner? On a scale of ​1 to 5, where 5 means you are very satisfied and 1 means you are very dissatisfied.
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Diagnostic - Do you have any experience with 3DHISTECH's PANNORAMIC FLASH DESK DX Slide Scanner?
Diagnostic - How satisfied are you with 3DHISTECH's PANNORAMIC FLASH DESK DX Slide Scanner? On a scale of ​1 to 5, where 5 means you are very satisfied and 1 means you are very dissatisfied.
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Diagnostic - Do you have any experience with 3DHISTECH's PANNORAMIC 250 FLASH III DX Slide Scanner?
Diagnostic - How satisfied are you with 3DHISTECH's PANNORAMIC 250 FLASH III DX Slide Scanner? On a scale of ​1 to 5, where 5 means you are very satisfied and 1 means you are very dissatisfied.
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Diagnostic - According to your opinion, which of 3DHISTECH's competitors is the best in DIGITAL SLIDE SCANNERS? Please write one company in the box. Please skip the question if you don't have any experience with/opinion of DIGITAL SLIDE SCANNERS by other companies.
Diagnostic - Please compare 3DHISTECH's DIGITAL SLIDE SCANNERS to the DIGITAL SLIDE SCANNERS of this company on the slider. 1 means the digital slide scanners of the other company are much better, while 5 means the digital slide scanners of 3DHISTECH are much better.
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Diagnostic - How satisfied are you with 3DHISTECH's Diagnostic SOFTWARE applications (e.g. viewers, quantification applications, server-based programs...)? On a scale of 1 to ​5, where 5 means you are very satisfied and 1 means you are very dissatisfied.)
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Diagnostic - Please provide any information here, if you have any comments regarding to our softwares! 
(Please address the type of software)
Diagnostic - According to your opinion, which of 3DHISTECH's competitors ​is the best in VIEWERS (DIGITAL MICROSCOPY APPLICATIONS)? Please write one company in the box. Please skip the question if you don't have any experience with/opinion of VIEWERS​ by other companies.
Diagnostic - Please compare 3DHISTECH's VIEWERS (DIGITAL MICROSCOPY APPLICATIONS)​​ to the VIEWERS​ of this company on the slider. 1 means the viewers​ of the other company are much better, while 5 means the viewers ​of 3DHISTECH are much better.
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Diagnostic - According to your opinion, which of 3DHISTECH's competitors ​is the best in SLIDE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS? Please, write one company in the box. Please skip the question if you don't have any experience with/opinion of SLIDE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS​​ by other companies.

Diagnostic - Please compare 3DHISTECH's SLIDE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS​​​ to the SLIDE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS​​ of this company on the slider. 1 means the slide management systems​ of the other company are much better, while 5 means the slide management systems​​ of 3DHISTECH are much better.

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Diagnostic - According to your opinion, which of 3DHISTECH's competitors ​is the best in QUANTIFICATION AND DIGITAL IMAGE ANALYSIS​ APPLICATIONS​? Please write one company in the box. Please, skip the question if you don't have any experience with/opinion of QUANTIFICATION AND DIGITAL IMAGE ANALYSIS​ APPLICATIONS​​​​ by other companies.
Diagnostic - Please compare 3DHISTECH's QUANTIFICATION AND DIGITAL IMAGE ANALYSIS​ APPLICATIONS​​​​​ to the QUANTIFICATION AND DIGITAL IMAGE ANALYSIS​ APPLICATIONS​​ of this company on the slider. 1 means the quantification and digital image analysis applications​ of the other company are much better, while 5 means the quantification and digital image analysis applications​​​ of 3DHISTECH are much better.
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Research - How satisfied are you with 3DHISTECH's RUO HARDWARE products, the PANNORAMIC Slide Scanners, and Tissue Microarrayers? On a scale of ​1 to 5, where 5 means you are very satisfied and 1 means you are very dissatisfied.
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Research -  According to your opinion, which of 3DHISTECH's competitors is the best in DIGITAL SLIDE SCANNERS? Please write one company in the box. Please skip the question if you don't have any experience with/opinion of DIGITAL SLIDE SCANNERS by other companies.
Research -  Please compare 3DHISTECH's DIGITAL SLIDE SCANNERS to the DIGITAL SLIDE SCANNERS of this company on the slider. 1 means the digital slide scanners of the other company are much better, while 5 means the digital slide scanners of 3DHISTECH are much better.
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Research -  According to your opinion, which of 3DHISTECH's competitors is ​the best in TISSUE MICROARRAYERS?  Please write one company in the box. Please, skip the question if you don't have any experience with/opinion of TISSUE MICROARRAYERS by other companies.)  
Resesarch -  Please compare 3DHISTECH's TISSUE MICROARRAYERS​ to the TISSUE MICROARRAYERS​ of this company on the slider. 1 means the digital slide scanners of the other company are much better, while 5 means the digital slide scanners of 3DHISTECH are much better.
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Research -  How satisfied are you with 3DHISTECH’s SOFTWARE applications (e.g. viewers, quantification applications, server-based programs...)? On a scale of 1 to ​5, where 5 means you are very satisfied and 1 means you are very dissatisfied.)
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Research - Please provide any information here, if you have any comments regarding to our softwares! 
(Please address the type of software)
Resesarch -  According to your opinion, which of 3DHISTECH's competitors ​is the best in VIEWERS (DIGITAL MICROSCOPY APPLICATIONS)? Please write one company in the box. Please skip the question if you don't have any experience with/opinion of VIEWERS​ by other companies.
Research -  Please compare 3DHISTECH's VIEWERS (DIGITAL MICROSCOPY APPLICATIONS)​​ to the VIEWERS​ of this company on the slider. 1 means the viewers​ of the other company are much better, while 5 means the viewers ​of 3DHISTECH are much better.
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Research -  According to your opinion, which of 3DHISTECH's competitors ​is the best in SLIDE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS? Please write one company in the box. Please skip the question if you don't have any experience with/opinion of SLIDE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS​​ by other companies.
Research -  Please compare 3DHISTECH's SLIDE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS​​​ to the SLIDE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS​​ of this company on the slider. 1 means the slide management systems​ of the other company are much better, while 5 means the slide management systems​​ of 3DHISTECH are much better.
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Research -   According to your opinion, which of 3DHISTECH's competitors ​is the best in QUANTIFICATION AND DIGITAL IMAGE ANALYSIS​ APPLICATIONS​? Please write one company in the box. Please skip the question if you don't have any experience with/opinion of QUANTIFICATION AND DIGITAL IMAGE ANALYSIS​ APPLICATIONS​​​​ by other companies.
Research Please compare 3DHISTECH's QUANTIFICATION AND DIGITAL IMAGE ANALYSIS​ APPLICATIONS​​​​​ to the QUANTIFICATION AND DIGITAL IMAGE ANALYSIS​ APPLICATIONS​​ of this company on the slider. 1 means the quantification and digital image analysis applications​ of the other company are much better, while 5 means the quantification and digital image analysis applications​​​ of 3DHISTECH are much better.
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How satisfied are you with 3DHISTECH's CUSTOMER SERVICE (e.g. order confirmation, contracting, delivery, billing)? On a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 means you are very satisfied and 1 means you are very dissatisfied.


How satisfied are you with 3DHISTECH's SALES? On a scale of 1 to ​5, where 5 means you are very satisfied and 1 means you are very dissatisfied.


How satisfied are you with 3DHISTECH's MARKETING SUPPORT (e.g. events, website, release notes, brochures, communication, etc.)? On a scale of 1 to ​5, where 5 means you are very satisfied and 1 means you are very dissatisfied.


Do you use 3DHISTECH Partner Home page?


If yes, for what purpose do you use the Partner Home?

How satisfied are you with Partner Home?

How satisfied are you with 3DHISTECH's TECHNICAL/SERVICE SUPPORT (e.g. answering queries, troubleshooting, servicing)? On a scale of 1 to ​5, where 5 means you are very satisfied and 1 means you are very dissatisfied.


How many complaints do your 3DHISTECH end-users made in 2023?


Do you have enough support from 3DHISTECH for handling these complaints?

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Are you aware of any serious technical incidents at end-users?

If yes, can you give us more details?

Are there any local regulatory issues/requirements where you need our support?

If yes, can you give us more details?

Are you satisfied with 3DHISTECH documentation (usability of user guides, technical specifications, tutorials, etc)? On a scale of 1 to ​5, where 5 means you are very satisfied and 1 means you are very dissatisfied.

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Regarding this year's DISTRIBUTOR MEETING, how satisfied are you with the following: On a scale of 1 to ​5, where 5 means you are very satisfied and 1 means you are very dissatisfied.

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