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FOCUS Night 2024-2025

The Lewisville ISD Special Education Department presents a series of six topics dedicated to assisting families of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) who reside within Lewisville ISD.  For the 2023-2024 school year, FOCUS Nights will be conducted in-person at the Department of Special Education, which is adjacent to Central Elementary.  Each FOCUS night will consist of a presentation on a specific topic for parents/caregivers.  Additionally, game night/social skills groups will be offered for students who receive support for autism.  Sibling groups are also offered for siblings in Kindergarten through 5th grade.  Although children are not allowed to attend the presentation, childcare is available free of charge for children who are five and younger.

Please arrive at 5:55 pm for sign in.  The SPOT, the LISD Special Education parent resource library, will be open 5:30-6 pm if you want to arrive early.

Please complete the form below to register yourself and children (if attending) each session you attend.  All families will need to complete this entire form once during the 2024-2025 school year to provide student/children information.  After completing the form one time, you will then only will be asked to complete a portion of the form to register for each session and inform us of any changes in your children attending. Registration for children closes the Tuesday before the session. This information helps us ensure we have adequate staff so we can most effectively serve families. Caregivers may come alone after the registration closes to attend the parent presentation,

Questions?  Please call or e-mail please Dr. Katie Pierce at or (469) 948-8558 or Dr. Jennifer DePetro at or (469) 948-8553.

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Email *
Parent/Guardian name *
E-mail(s) to receive reminders
Best Contact Phone Number
Which FOCUS Night session are you registering for? (Participants must register for each session individually each month so we can ensure adequate staff.) *
Interpreter needed for parent? *
If an interpreter is needed, what language?  We will do our best to accommodate, although it is not guaranteed. 
Are you bringing any children to FOCUS Night? *
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