Request edit access
Work with You Can Group
Fill out the form to apply, withoup request edit access.
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Name *
Surname *
Fiscal code
Birth data *
E-mail *
Telephone number *
LinkedIn Account Link
Type of education (more relevant education) *
Topic of your more relevant education *
Experience - Describe your current role in few words: (example, I'm a chef)
Clear selection
Experience - Describe your current job in few words: (what you usually do at work)
Experience - Your current role cluster
Experience - Years of experience in this current role cluster
Experience - Current job grade
Describe your desired role in our organization, in few words: (what would you like to do with us) *
Desidered occupational role in our organization *
Desired job grade in our organization *
You are interested in *
What determines your motivation?
Which professional goals do you propose to pursue?
What moments of professional development (training, reading, ...) have you lived in the last 12 months?
What value do you think you can bring to our organization?
I authorize the processing of my personal data pursuant to the GDPR and the Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196 "Code regarding the protection of personal data" for the purposes of Research and Selection of Personnel and business contacts. *
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