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Live Better with Mindfulness for PMDD

Hi PMDD friends, 

Have you been wondering how you can find more peace in your life with PMDD? 

Do you feel like you've done ALL THE THINGS--all the treatments and all the self-management tools--and still haven't found that sense of stability and flow with your PMDD?

Do you have a sneaking suspicion that–apart from everything else you are doing to manage your symptoms–what you really need is to find a way to accept your PMDD and ‘make friends’ with it, so to speak?

I’ve definitely been there. Story of my life! Until mindfulness brought me to a place where I’ve found acceptance of my PMDD diagnosis. Mindfulness has helped me find a sustainable way forward–one that I can live with–and has been a total game-changer in helping me to live a more peaceful life with this debilitating chronic illness. So much so that I’m now following my heart–and my gut instinct–to bring mindfulness to fellow PMDD Warriors.

Would you like to:

  • Be an active participant in your own life again?

  • Feel more like yourself again?

  • Improve relationships that have been impacted by PMDD?

  • Find a sense of relief from the resistance, resentment, anger, anxiety and depression caused by PMDD?

  • Experience a mindset shift so you aren't so hooked by your negative thoughts and feelings?

If you are a PMDD (or PME) Warrior–like me–you know what it’s like to feel like your brain and personality are hijacked every month and you likely have experienced a variety of relentless negative thoughts and feelings that take over your life each and every luteal phase, ranging from: 

Irritability, anxiety, depression, overwhelm, guilt and shame to hopelessness, desperation, rage and even suicidal ideation.

I myself have experienced every one of those feelings and have often battled negative thoughts and self-talk, like:

I can’t live this like every month

I can’t get anything right

I hate everything

But as I began to incorporate mindfulness and meditation into my life, I found that it helped me:

  • Find freedom from spiraling thoughts

  • Sleep better

  • Feel less alone in the world

  • Feel like my heart wasn’t going to beat straight out of my chest after all

  • Think a bit more clearly in the moment 

  • Fell less desperate

  • Pull myself out of a rage spiral

  • Become kinder to myself, more and more over time  

Mindfulness has had such a powerful effect on my PMDD that now, as a trained mindfulness teacher, I’ve developed a mindfulness program specifically to help PMDD warriors

  • Use mindfulness tools to help find more peace and calm

  • Develop a mindfulness practice they can actually stick with

  • And ultimately find greater compassion for themselves and acceptance of their PMDD

This program is:

Accessible - I know it can be hard to start something new–and to focus–when you’re feeling so awful, so often. Short, self-guided, audio lessons allow you to go at your own pace, without having to devote too much time or energy.

Trauma-informed - Trauma is a risk factor for PMDD so many of us come with that added baggage and I keep this top of mind in my program.

Person-centered - I am here to help you feel heard, validated and empowered as much as I’m here to share mindfulness tools and guided meditations. 

Supportive - 1:1 support that includes both live (zoom) and text-based check-ins, provides accountability to help you stick with your practice.

To learn more about how my Mindfulness for PMDD program might help you manage negative thoughts and feelings and find more self-compassion and acceptance of your PMDDplease enter your email and then register your interest on the next page, commitment-free!

xo, Diane

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