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Sample Return to The Office Survey (July 2020)
The purpose of this survey is to take the company's pulse on distributed work and returning to the office.

All of your responses are anonymous.
What is your primary job function?
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Right now, how eager are you to return to working from the office?
Not eager at all
Very eager!
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Which of the following factors are most important to you in determining when you'll feel comfortable returning to work?
When working from home, I feel that my own job performance is:
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How comfortable are you with distributed work?
I would like to return to the office as soon as possible
I would like to work distributed indefinitely
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Assuming all local, state and federal laws permit office work and given the personal choice, I would work from the office:
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What do you like best about working from the office?
In an office, the most important factors to me are:
Anything else you'd like to share?
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