My Little Pony Family Feud Survey - 1st Trixkrieg Edition (See Update Below!)
The following questions will be used for a friendly game of Family Feud for local fellow bronies in Ottawa. Any brony is encouraged to complete this survey, unless you live near Ottawa and can participate! The survey consists of 25 questions intended for game play.

Please keep in mind we want 1 answer for each question only. Keep answers PG rated.

<ATTENTION>  UPDATE: We've now received over 100 responses, as required for Family Feud questions. Now the only benefit of completing this survey is for your own curiosity. Results summaries will now be visible to respondents. <ATTENTION>

If you have any questions, message @Trixkrieg on Twitter.

Thank you for your participation!
1) We've seen Twilight have nightmares about books coming to life before. What else might she have nightmares about?
2) What holiday or special occasion in Equestria would you most desire to experience for yourself?
3) Other than earth, unicorn or pegasus, name a race of ponies.
4) Name a MLP:FiM pony whose name starts with the letter "L".
5) What do you associate with M. A. Larson?
6) What do you associate with Lauren Faust?
7) Name an episode that was well received by the entire MLP fandom.
8) Other than MLP, what television series has an especially dedicated cult following?
9) Name a pony who is green.
10) What is the worst Spike episode?
11) Tell me a creature in Equestria that you would not want on the loose in the real world.
12) Name a place in real life whose name you might mix up with a place in Equestria.
13) If you could use one spell that has been seen on the show, what would it be?
14) What would you expect to see at one of Pinkie Pie's parties?
15) What job might Rainbow Dash take on if she would be kicked out of the Wonderbolts before retirement?
16) Name an article of clothing that looks good on ponies.
17) If "peeved" may be considered a curse word in Equestria, what other tame word may be considered a curse word?
18) Name an antagonist in MLP:FiM who has not yet been reformed.
19) Name an animal living in Fluttershy's cottage who might be quieter than Fluttershy.
20) What can motivate Applejack to tell a lie?
21) Name a pony who Rarity has tried to impress.
22) How many ponies do you think live in Ponyville?
23) Name a character who is beloved by all MLP fans.
24) Name a phrase used in Equestria that contains the word "hoof."
25) If you lived in Ponyville, what would your diet primarily consist of?
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