My Reading Recommendation
Complete this form any time you finish a book. A QR code will be attached to the book that you read so that other students can scan and view your book report to help them decide if they should read this book!
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
This field would not be included in a student form, but has been included in this demonstration so that you can see the final format of the book report which will be emailed to you after submitting.
What is the title of your book? *
Who is the author of this book? *
When did you read this book? *
What is the genre of this book? *
This book is *
check all that are true!
Why did you choose this book? *
(Did another student recommend it? You like the author? Explain in complete sentences.)
Who was your favorite character in this book? *
Rate this book. *
(If you were giving stars, how many would you give for this book?)
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このフォームは Sowash Ventures 内部で作成されました。 不正行為の報告