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STEM Summer Camp Registration
Event Timing: June 24-August 2 2024
Event Address: St. Joseph HS Metuchen NJ 
Contact us at (732)599-1913 or
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Parent's Name *
Student name *

School attended last year
Second child (if needed)
Email *
Mailing address *
What weeks will your child attend? *
Dietary restrictions *
How did you hear about the STEM Camp
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  I hereby give my permission for my child(ren) to participate in the St. Joseph HS STEM Summer Camp. Participation in any program which involves physical activity exposes the camper to certain risks and dangers. Accidents and injuries are always a possibility, and it is impossible to foresee and protect the camper from all conceivable dangers. I hereby affirm that my child(ren) has/have no conditions that would make it unsafe for him/her/them to participate in the camps program(s) selected.  In consideration of child(ren)’s participation at the School,  I hereby grant permission to the School, staff and affiliates to utilize my child(ren)’s appearance in any  media. I understand that the School will make every effort to contact me in the case of an emergency. *
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