Grounded Parents Blog!
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What is your name? *
What is the best email address to contact you? *
Are you a parent, legal guardian or responsible for at least one child on a regular basis? *
Do you have writing/blogging experience? *
Please provide links
How many children do you have? *
What makes your parenting/childcare POV interesting? *
How old are your children? *
Do you have any special experiences that make you especially qualified or interesting when talking about parenting and families?
What subjects would you be most interested in discussing on the blog?
Do you have time to commit to writing at least 1 article every 2 weeks?
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What makes you awesome?
Do you have an opinion regarding Doc McStuffins' professional ethics, especially regarding the privacy of her patients?
What will we regret not knowing about you that we haven't yet asked?
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