Short story selection form
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Your last name *
Your first name *
email *
Block *
Who is the author for your first choice of a short story to use for your trailer? *
Include last and then first name of author. Example: Jackson, Shirley
What is the title of your first choice of short story.? *
Put the title in quotation marks. Example: "Charles"
List 3 adjectives that describe this story. *
Example: ironic, funny, surprising  
Who is the author for your second choice of short story to use for your trailer? *
Include last and then first name of author. Example: Connell, Richard
What is the title of your second choice of short story.? *
Put the title in quotation marks. Example: "The Most Dangerous Game"
List 3 adjectives that describe the story. *
Example: troubling, surprising, shocking
Which tool do you plan to use to create your trailer?
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