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Open Call for Agri-Food Value Chain Incubation Program - Application form
Apply to join Business Incubation Center Second Cycle Incubation Program!

Arsi University and Madda Walabu University are partnering with Iceaddis, LVIA and COOPI in a project called AFFIDATO (AID: 11549). The project aims to create new job and business opportunities in the Cereals and Fruit & Vegetables agri-food value chain, in order to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of young people and women potential migrants in 6 woredas located in 3 zones of the Oromia region. AFFIDATO (AID: 11549) is financed by Italian Development Cooperation

This is a 6-months incubation program, to potential startups who have business ideas in the cereals and/or fruit & vegetables agri-food across the value chain. Incubation center at the university is open to receive applications from potential startups to join the incubation center and take part in the second cycle incubation program of business development service.


The Business Incubation Center is looking for potential startups to join the second cycle incubation program. We are looking for cereals and/or fruit & vegetables agri-food value chain related  INNOVATIVE, SCALABLE, and TRANSFORMATIONAL business idea to prototype stage startups or prototype to market expansion stage startups.

Idea to Prototype Stage startups (Startups with business idea, or a prototype developed ready to launch) - Should have one innovative idea and an initial business plan/ proposal for the idea


Prototype to Market Expansion Stage startups (startups already in business looking to scale or improve their business strategy) 

The business idea must have a strong economic and social impact, e.g. in terms of job creation and income generation,along the cereals and/or fruit & vegetables agri-food industry in the stated target area of the AFFIDATO (AID: 11549) project.
If selected, you will join an exciting program that provides business development support through entrepreneurship workshops/ bootcamp sessions, bi-weekly one-to-one mentorship sessions and technical advisory sessions from invited guest speakers and experts. You will work alongside other startups in identifying your customers, developing a branding and marketing strategy, focusing on your value proposition, testing your product or prototype, refining your go-to-market strategy, developing your pricing and customer acquisition strategy, getting operation-ready, developing your financial strategy and business plan and aligning your partners. Startups will also have marketing and promotion showcase opportunities through various networking platforms, exposure visits and pitching to potential investors.You will be able to use facilities of University Incubation Center for the entire duration of the programme, which includes co-working space with access to Wi-Fi. Startups with the most convincing and robust business plans will be referred to AFFIDATO project credit facility at the end of the incubation program.


- Must have an INNOVATIVE and SCALABLE  business idea, or a prototype developed ready to launch, or a product already in business! 

- Startup must be based in Arsi, Bale or Shasheme Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia, in favourable location to access Arsi University, and Madda Walabu University Incubation Center facilities.

- Business ideas must be innovative, scalable, and on the cereals and fruit & vegetables agri-food value chain sector!

- Must be able to attend incubation program activities 2 to 3 hours per week!

- Must be comfortable working and pitching in English!

- Women are encouraged to apply and preference is given to teams with female participation!


Call for Application Closes - May 15, 2023

Apply online by clicking the NEXT button below and answering the questions provided on the online form.  

Once applications have been received, an initial shortlisting will take place. Selected candidates will be invited to present their ideas (pitching) in front of the university incubation center technical committee. 

For more information and to get support: Please contact Tatek Lemma : 0937170077

Good luck!

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