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Wholesale Lavish Lettuce Order
Thanks for your interest in wholesale Lavish Lettuce! Wholesale accounts are for local businesses needing larger quantities*

As always our Lavish Lettuce is:

- Pesticide, Herbicide, Fungicide Free!
- Live. Our lettuce comes with root on meaning it retains nutrition and freshness for two weeks!
- Diverse. We plant more than 16 varieties of lettuce for different shapes, colors and flavors!
- Local. Just like our greens & herbs we grew up in Central Wisconsin. They may not go to UWSP like we did though!
- Sustainable. We offset our indoor growing carbon footprint, and with your help we are looking to do local offsets of habitat creation and restoration right here in Central Wisconsin!

Thanks for your interest - feel free to contact us @ if you have any further questions! Or, complete the following form and we will send you an invoice for you to start your membership ASAP!

Thanks again!

Wholesale orders are delivered on Tuesday or Wednesday in the early afternoon.

You will receive your lettuce in a container built to fit your size order. We will handle washing and sterilizing the container.

Over time chefs usually focus in on the varities they prefer, so the longer you work with us the better the product works for you. Our lettuce comes in different shapes, colors and flavors - so over time your order becomes a personal garden...that you never have to water or weed.

*Wholesale orders have a minimum of five pounds of weight
(Completing this form is a REQUEST & does not guarantee product or delivery time availability - we will contact you via email or send you an invoice that confirms your details via email)
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