Partner Meeting Report
Partners: Please fill this report out each time you meet with your ministry candidate. When you submit it, it will be uploaded to the Board of Ministry's drive.
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Licensed Minister *
Partner *
Licensed Minister's Pastor
(If applicable)
Date of Meeting *
What was the nature of your meeting? *
Were any others present for the meeting?
(spouse, other pastor or ministry expert for insight, etc.)
Overall General Summary of the Meeting *
Partner's Insights
For this section, refer to the Partnering Guide's explanations of the following categories. While you might not have something to say about each section for each meeting, remember that this is the written record and very important to the Board of Ministry's overall understanding of the progress of each licensee. The Board of Ministry is relying on your input!
Education, Critical Thinking, Exploration,
Church Involvement, Experience, Gifts & Graces, Exploration
Relating with God, Christian life-style, Exploration
Church, Mission, Exploration
Follow-up responsibilities of the licensed minister:
(Specific steps, tasks, or activities the licensed minister agreed to follow through on before the next meeting.)
Follow-up responsibilities of the partner:
(Questions the licensed minister had for the Board of Ministry, networking, studies, etc.)
Did the partner have a conversation with the licensed minister's pastor?
If possible, a conversation with the pastor helps keep channels of communication open and collaboration in areas of over-lapping encouragement or concern.
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