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Apply For The Empowered Her Wellness Program
The Application will take approximately 10 minutes to complete
Cindy * *
How did you hear about WWN/Michele Facebook  *
1 point
What is your business/career? Retail Management but now retired and started to work on an Art Career *
1 point
Do you believe that your health affects your business/career life? Absolutely  *
What are 3 core health challenges that you are facing right now? Long Covid I struggle with just day to day stuff, brain fog joint pain, RLS that has gone beyond just tingling sensation in my legs and sometimes my hands and arms, balance, so tired I can't stay awake,don't drive anymore because I fall asleep and I am not aware of it  *
If these challenges didn't exist, what would your health, business/career, and life look like? I would have stayed in the work force longer instead of taking retirement so early  *
Do you have 1 hour a week to complete the learning modules? Yes
What would you like most to get out of this program?
To try and Regan control over my life and have some kind of normal life 
If accepted and you decide to join The Empowered Her Wellness program, are you prepared to invest 597.00 USD single payment or 2 payments of 330.00 USD into your health?
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
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