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Ask your counsellor with Prague Integration

Expat life brings a unique set of challenges. Whether it's struggling with the cultural and social adjustments, the emotional rollercoaster of dating abroad, or the complexities of family and relationships, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and isolated.

That's why we're introducing "Ask Your Counsellor," a weekly column where you can anonymously share your struggles, seek guidance, and find solace in the words of our experienced therapists.

Our therapists are here to provide you with a safe space to express your deepest thoughts and concerns without judgment. They'll offer valuable insights and empower you to navigate the challenges of expat life with greater confidence.

So, don't let your worries linger in silence. 

Share your struggles and dilemmas with us! Our counsellors are here to help you :)

Name (you can put nickname as this is anonymous column) 
Ask your question here and it may be featured in our weekly column with expert insights from our therapists! *
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