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Registration form / 1-on-1 session with Andrei Gradinar (Angel Investor)
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Email *
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LinkedIn/Facebook URL *
Startup name *
Startup Industry *
Example: EdTech, Fintech, HealthTech etc
Describe your startup *
Explain what's your startup about, add website if you have
How can you build a sustainable business around your idea? *
Exemplu/Youtube: Platforma va aduce venituri din publicitate. Aceasta va funcționa ca un canal de distribuție pentru videoclipuri promoționale. Vom face bani și printr-un model bazat pe abonament. Vom oferi anumite avantaje exclusive pentru cei care se vor abona contra plată. Află mai mult:
Why do you want to participate at this event? *
What time is suitable for you to attend the call *
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