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1. E-mail *
2. 填答日期 *
3. 性別 *
4. 所屬學院 *
Your college
5. 年級 *
6. 請問您這次所使用的服務是……(可複選) *
The service you used today...? (multiple choice)
7. 請問您對於這次的講解內容與修改意見…… *
You think the consulting and the advice the consultant gave you is...?
8. 整體而言,您對於這次的服務…… *
Overall, you think our service is...?
9. 請問您認為本中心的諮詢服務還需要改進的地方……(可複選)
What do you think we should improve in the consulting service? (multiple choice)
10. 請問您在以下哪些管道接觸過本中心的諮詢服務資訊?(可複選)
Where did you get the information of the consulting service of our center?
11. 請問這次為您服務的人員是?(單選) *
Who is your consultant today?
12. 除了預約諮詢服務外,請問您是否使用過學生職涯發展中心的網站?
In addition to the appointment of consulting service, have you ever used the website of Center of Career Development?
13. 請問您對於中心的預約制度與行政服務……
You think the reservation system and the administration service of our center...?
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14. 請問您認為本中心的行政服務還需改進的地方……(可複選)
What do you think we should improve in our administrative services?
15. 請問您是否查詢使用過自己的全人自我發展管理系統?
Have you ever use the iNCCU system?
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16. 請問您認為全人系統對於您個人大學生涯記錄的幫助?
Do you think the iNCCU system is helpful for record your life in university?
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17. 請問您希望日後【學生職涯發展中心】多提供哪一類的活動,講座或是服務?(可複選)
What kind of activity, lecture or service you hope Center of Career Development can provide you? (multiple choice)
18. 對於哪些測驗內容有興趣參加?(可複選)
What kind of test are you interested in? (multiple choice)
19. 請問您希望日後【學生職涯發展中心】多提供哪一類的職務訊息?
What kind of information you hope Center of Career Development can provide you?
20. 身份
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21 對於本次諮詢,您是否有其他建議?
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