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Community Engaged Learning Student Agreement Spring 2024
As a participant in St. John Fisher University's Community-Engaged Learning program, please read and complete the form below. Also please review the Tips for Success and Safety included below. 

Institute for Civic and Community Engagement
St. John Fisher University
Jane Snyder -

Email *
Community-Engaged Learning Expectations
I agree to the following as a participant of Community-Engaged Learning at St. John Fisher College:

1. I understand the responsibilities of my CEL project, deadlines, and related course assignments. I will be graded on the accomplishment of the learning outcomes, and not just for service hours. I will take responsibility for my work and ask questions of my professor and/or community partner when unclear.

2. I acknowledge there are inherent risks with community-based work.  I have been provided with information on the challenges and opportunities of the site and have reviewed the common sense safety standards outlined on the "Tips for Success and Safety" below.

3. I have been given professional behavior information including:

- Behaving in a professional and courteous manner including committing to your schedule, being on time, and interacting professionally with all people that you encounter.

- Abiding by the site's policies and rules which include avoiding use of electronic devices except for emergency situations, dressing in a professional manner, and maintaining confidence of information about clients.

- Maintaining open and consistent communication about expectations, questions, concerns, and feedback with my supervisor, course instructor, and/or Dr. Lynn Donahue

- I understand that the course instructor or agency reserves the right to terminate my CEL work in cases of negligence or harm.

CEL Expectations Student Agreement
CEL Expectations Student Agreement
Permission to use photographs or videos
I grant St. John Fisher University the right to take photographs or video of me in connection with my CEL work. I authorize the University to use and publish photographs, with or without my name, for purposes of advertising, evaluation, publication, or celebration of CEL.
Photograph/Video Student Agreement
Permission to use student work
I authorize St. John Fisher University to use samples of my CEL academic assignments (reflections, Power Points, class evaluations), without my name, for advertising, evaluation, celebration, or publication. Products given to community partners or that count as intellectual property will be kept confidential.
Student Work Agreement
Emergency Contact (name and contact information)

Habiba Mohamed-Mom (585) 766-2848
Qaasim Gazali- brother (585) 7295040
Comments and/or questions
Tips for Success and Safety
#1: Create a Quality Product or Service

Learn about needs of your community partner and be flexible -- sometimes your ideas need to be changed to better meet community partners' needs. Do your best work. Make a good first impression by knowing the project guidelines well and communicating this to your partner during your first meetings.

#2: Be on Time and Reliable

Your community partner relies on you to be there at the agreed time and counts on you to complete your project. It's crucial that you follow your pre-established work schedule. If you need to be late or miss a work date, please notify your partner.

#3: Use Professional Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

When arranging a meeting, call or email with enough lead time. If your  partner contacts you, return communication promptly. If you have questions, ask. CC your course instructor with all community communication. Good eye contact and strong handshakes convey confidence. Dress appropriately. You are a representative of Fisher.

#4: Follow the Agency's Expectations and Professional Practices

Use formal names unless told otherwise. Avoid gossip and protect your own and others' privacy and confidentiality. Never engage in, or tolerate from others, verbal exchanges or behavior that may be perceived as discriminatory or sexual. Keep your cell phone away at all times unless there's an emergency.

#5: Maintain Safety On-site

Students must report to their community contact any suspected abuse when they have reasonable cause to suspect that a child is a victim of child abuse. For personal safety, don't give a client a ride in a personal vehicle, give or loan clients money, share too much personal information, and visit people in their homes. Use adult bathrooms only in schools and after-school programs. Find out the procedures for "lock-downs" and "shelter-in-places" in case of emergencies.

#6: Travel Safety

Map out your route so you know where you're going. Find out where to park. Use common sense (i.e. keep doors locked.) When you can, travel with others. If you have any concerns, please let your supervisor or instructor know.

#7: Reduce Barriers, Challenge Yourself, and Have Fun

When you enter the community, ignore any stereotypes of the community, be open-minded, and be positive. You will reduce barriers and increase understanding. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn about your community, test our potential career options, gain new networking contacts, and learn new things about yourself.

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