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Mentee Profile PWN Mentorship 2022
Welcome to the PWN Mentoring program, the 8th edition!

Our aim is to make it easier for you, by assigning to you a mentor with experience and knowledge, who will be happy to share it with you; someone with whom you can share your concerns and successes and who will join you for a part of your professional journey.
The program starts with a mentee - mentor matching process, for which we need to know more about you.
Please take some time to fill in this form.

Please take some time to fill in this form. We wait for you application until the 25th of September 2021, the closing date for applications.

IMPORTANT INFO: before the program starts, we will have Q&A sessions, or you can address your concerns to the mentoring team : Please observe also the information related to the program and your contribution, at the last section of this form

Thank you,

The PWN Mentoring Team

Before you start:
PWN Mentoring receives sensible data from you we are keeping the access to this data limited to the mentoring angels team. We value your trust.
Later we will disclose your CV and application upon request to your mentor(s). Sometimes mentors would like to know more about their mentees, when chosing.
We are keeping a record of mentors and mentees to keep a pool of potential mentors for the future and to see if you have stayed with us.
We are also taking photos at the events to let our PWN members know what services we provide and to attract more members.

For questions, please  email or call Paula Buse at +40 748 020 020
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