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7 Deadly Sins of White Christian Nationalism: Participate in a study with Pastor Janet Parker so you are better equipped to lead one yourself
EcoFaith Recovery is proud to sponsor a book study on Carter Heyward's book, "The 7 Deadly Sins of White Christian Nationalism: A Call to Action" led by Pastor Janet Parker for up to 14 people every Wednesday evening from January 4th through February 15th. Since space is limited, please watch for an email from Pastor Janet indicating that you were among the first 14 to register. One registration form should be submitted for every screen that will be participating. (So if a couple shares the same email address and will be participating together from the same screen, they may register together. Otherwise they should each submit their own registration form.)

Please fill out the registration form below if you would like to participate in this book study and are willing to lead a study on this same book for at least three or four other people during the spring (Lent or Easter) of 2023. By taking part in this book study with Pastor Janet, participants will have the opportunity to meet via Zoom with the book's author, Carter Heyward, on February 8th at 1:00 pm PST (4pm Eastern Time) if they desire. This will be an online gathering that Carter Heyward will lead for many other people across the country who will be leading studies of her book and have already registered to attend. (Pastor Janet has already registered herself and the 14 members of her book study to participate in this limited-capacity gathering with Carter Heyward.) 

This book study is being offered on a free-will donation basis. Participants are asked to contribute whatever amount is right for them at Thank you!
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Reenter Email Address, please *
Please indicate the faith community or other community you are part of (including its city and state, please)
Mobile Phone Number *
Participants who engage in this book study with Pastor Janet Parker commit to then lead a book study for at least three or four others. For whom will you lead you book study? *
When will you lead your book study? (Please be as specific as possible.) *
This gathering will be held on Wednesday evenings for 75 minutes on Zoom from January 4 to February 15 (so it concludes one week before the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday). Please indicate your availability for various start and end times. *
Yes, this can work for me
Possible, but not preferred
No, impossible for me
6:00 - 7:15 pm PDT
6:15 - 7:30 pm PDT
6:30 - 7:45 pm PDT
6:45 - 8:00 pm PDT
7:00 - 8:15 pm PDT
Will you be able to attend all of the sessions, and are they on your calendar? (If not, please indicate below which sessions you will need to miss.) *
Are you interested and available to attend the Wednesday, February 8 online event with Carter Heyward at 1:00 pm PDT/4:00 pm EDT? (This is not required in order to participate, but if you would like to participate we will reserve a spot for you.) *
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