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New Setting and Adventure Survey
Once again, the Elderbrain calls out to every intellect out there to take part in deciding the course of fate and the contents of our next adventure!  

The community already gave life to Crown of the Oathbreaker and Torrents of the Spellhoarder through two surveys ( and two successful crowdfunding projects ( and

We would like to invite you to decide on the details of the next adventure into new realms. Once the votes are cast, we will jump right into planning the frameworks of the next adventure and creating the next Kickstarter for 2024 based on the results. We would also like to invite you to our Discord server to take part in discussions related to the specific details stemming from the results: 

Please fill out the survey and help decide the course of the adventure! You will gain access to the real-time summary charts of this survey so you may see the results.

Completing this survey will take a while to finish, about 30-40 minutes. Believe us, it's a long one, but it's well worth it. It is extensive on purpose so we can touch on every subject and get a gauge of the most desired aspects.  We suggest taking a break if you feel like losing focus. 

We appreciate your time and as a sign of our gratitude we would like to present you with a bundle of goodies, including the Onadbyr Palace map, the Flamedrake dragon ship map, a characters sheet, and the 91-page champter sample for Crown of the Oathbreaker. You will find the link to these goodies in the confirmation pop-up when you finish this survey. Please make sure to save the links because you will not have access to this pop-up later. 

You can stay informed about updates on the most interesting results and further topic-specific surveys through our social sites.

Feel free to contact us if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions. You can reach us directly through our social channels and at We would appreciate any and all help!

Please share this link and invite others if you think your friends would enjoy participating in such a community-driven exploration of our favorite pastime:

We hope you like the idea and you are as hyped as we are to see where this goes.

Where should Crown of the Oathbreaker continue?

After a short slumber, the Elderbrain has stirred into consciousness once again. Tingles creep up its tentacles into the central cortex, floating in the pool that has been feeding its thoughts through realities woven by countless delicious intellects. It slowly stretches its appendages, tenses in concentration, and with an uprupt spasm, it sends out a powerful brainwave for all to hear. It is an invitation, a call for pleasing desires in mysterious landscapes. The cortex is hungry for new realms to conquer and is seeking crowds who will populate and shape these visions.

>> VORDAN <<

- A confederacy of hardy mountainous barbarian tribes that live in cliffside cities and war for dominance.
- A land where magic-users are persecuted and hunted by specialized magehunters.
- Highly advanced mechanical technology like exoskeletons, warmachines, and weaponized barding.
- Domesticated beasts of war such as mammoths, giant mountain goats, lizards, and dinosaurs.
- Mountain peaks that hide powerful, long-dormant entities from beyond reality that have been awakened.


- A collection of eleven competing city-states, each with a unique style and agenda.
- Local heroes of fame with special privileges in their respective cities.
- An ancient red dragon holy inquisitor behind the scenes, spreading corruption and persecution.
- A cabal of vampires that plots to unite Drayl under their dominance.  
- A grand consipiracy that requires diplomatic solutions.

Thank you for participating!
Elderbrain Team
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In which setting would you like the adventure to continue?
Where are you located? *
How old are you? *
What gender do you identify as? *
How many years have you been playing D&D? *
Which role do you prefer? *
What module formats do you use? *
Which VTT software do you use? *
How often do you use miniatures? *
For how long do you prefer to play an adventure module? *
How often do you play D&D? *
How long does one of your single game sessions last on average? *
Where do you get informed about D&D-related topics online? (Please choose top three) *
Typically where do you purchase D&D-related products? (Please choose top three) *
Have you ever backed a table-top rpg project on any crowdfunding site? *
Typically what kind of D&D products do you purchase? *
What type of products would you like to see in our Kickstarter? (Please choose max. five) *
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