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Register for my January Jamboree Virtual Party
The new Stampin' Up!  Mini Catalogue starts in January.  And I'm celebrating with a Virtual Party on January 5th. This is FREE event for my customers* showcasing ideas and new products from this catalogue.

I'm hosting this party with some of my crafty friends from Australia, New Zealand, the US, and Canada--The Crafting Across Borders Team.

Because we have multiple demonstrators in the team, I need to do a quick registration with you before you join the party.
  • Please fill in my form below. 
  • Be sure to hit SUMBIT when you are done. 
  • Then I'll check out your form, and send you a link to join in the party. 

The party is on Friday, January 5th from 6-9 pm Eastern  And you have all weekend to enjoy the posts.  
But don't wait to get signed in, we have some fun posts starting already!!

 ~   Jenn Tinline, Stampin' Up!  Demonstrator.

*Canadian and not currently working with another Stampin' Up! Demonstrator.   Sorry no demonstrators.

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Are you Canadian? *
What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
What is your email address (I need this to invite you to the party). *
What CITY do you live in? *
What PROVINCE do you live in? *
Am I your Stampin' Up! demonstrator? *
Pick one, even if more than one answer applies.
What is your phone number (not required but appreciated).
Any last questions, or comments? 
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