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Youth Soccer Registration
Event date: 09 Apr to  25 Jun 2025.
                     Wednesday and Friday .
Event Address: 3050 Stanton Drive Springfield, IL 62703
Contact us at :  (217) 320 - 9660  
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Email *
Players Information:
Full Name: *
Date of Birth : *
Gender : *
Phone Number : *
Address : *
Email : *
Players Age Group
Age *
Parent/ Guardian Name:
Full Name : *
Phone Number: *
Email: *
Emergency Contact
Name : *
Phone Number : *
Previous Playing Experience (if any) *
Preferred  Position :
Additional Information:
Jersey Size:
How did you hear about the soccer program?
Consent and Agreement:

I, the undersigned , agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the soccer program at Springfield International Soccer Club (SISC). I also acknowledge that participation in soccer involves inherent risks, and I release the organizers from any liability for injuries. I hereby release waive, discharge and covenant not to sue SISC, the coaches or any member of SISC. 

I have read the above waiver, understand it and by checking yes below, I acknowledge my agreement.
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