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Serious Blockchain Game
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Survey Creator
Dimitrios S.
Contact Email
Thank you very much for dedicating your valuable time to assist us in the exploration of a technology that holds the potential to revolutionize the functioning of the World Wide Web. We truly appreciate your commitment and engagement in completing this questionnaire. We understand that it may be lengthy, but please feel free to complete it in multiple sessions at your convenience. Your input is highly valuable to us, and we are grateful for your patience and cooperation throughout the process.
We shall begin by posing queries pertaining to general blockchain technology.
To what extent are you acquainted with blockchain technology? *
first time hearing about it
I understand it in a high-level
Are you familiar with the term "cryptocurrency"? *
Are you familiar with the terms "crypto-wallet" or "public and private keys"? *
This technology is famous for the following four characteristics:

  1. Decentralization
  2. Enhanced Security
  3. Transparency
  4. Privacy & Trustlessness 

Given the premise that blockchain technology harbours the potential to revolutionize the World Wide Web, leading to an environment where users gain enhanced control over aspects related to their privacy and digital possessions, kindly respond to the subsequent queries.
Decentralization refers to the dispersion of the network's data and computational capacity across the entire network, rather than being concentrated within a single entity, such as massive technology corporations.

What sentiments does this characteristic of decentralization evoke in you?
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Enhanced Security denotes the network's capability to identify and eradicate participants attempting to manipulate the existing information. This is facilitated through the implementation of sophisticated cryptographic methods.

What sentiments does this characteristic of decentralization evoke in you?
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Transparency is a byproduct of decentralization and enhanced security, given that all participants on the network have access to the stored information. For instance, it is publicly accessible information that address X transferred 25 ETH to address Y.

*Numerous modern blockchains employ methods to limit access to potentially sensitive information, as the one mentioned in the preceding example.

What sentiments does this characteristic of decentralization evoke in you?
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Privacy is achieved by protecting all your personal data, the only exposed information is your public address which is randomly generated.

Trustlessness is achieved by eliminating the need for a centralized authority or intermediary. Trust is established through consensus algorithms, cryptographic protocols and lines of immutable code.

What sentiments does this characteristic of decentralization evoke in you?
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In which sectors or industries do you believe blockchain technology can be beneficially employed?
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How inclined would you be to dedicate 15-20 minutes to watch a video demonstrating the fundamental methods of interacting with blockchain-powered applications, also known as Dapps?
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Not at all
Very much
Congratulations on reaching this point! Now, having gained a preliminary understanding of the capabilities of this technology, how likely are you to delve further into it?
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Not intrested
I will for sure
Which of the following options do you consider would serve as a motivation for you to learn and utilize blockchain-powered applications?
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The subsequent eight questions will focus on the Serious Blockchain Game.
How much time did you devote to exploring and interacting with the game? *
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How challenging did you find the installation and navigation of a cryptocurrency wallet?
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Was unable to use it
Piece of cake
How demanding was the process of importing the game's custom tokens and manually integrating our custom blockchain network into your cryptocurrency wallet?
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Was unable to do it
Piece of cake
How was the experience of being able to login to web application without the need of providing a username and password?
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Prefer the traditional way
Incredible! Fast and convenient
In this Web3 card game, as well as any other Dapp, the digital assets you accumulate (such as cards, in-game gold, achievements, etc.) remain in your possession within your wallet. Consequently, even if the game were to cease operations, your data would remain intact.

Moreover, the providers of the game should not possess any control over your assets, nor should they be able to generate any assets by circumventing the game's prerequisites.

This effectively eliminates the issue of fraud, a prevalent problem typically observed when a game's assets begin to acquire monetary value.

What sentiments does this characteristic of decentralization evoke in you?
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Regarding the gaming experience, which aspects of the game do you believe are deficient or require improvement?
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Would you be interested in seeing the incorporation of AI-powered features in the forthcoming update of the game?
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Would you be interested in seeing the development of another Dapp that can interact with the game, offering rewards in the form of custom tokens when certain actions or events occur? *
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Thank You!
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your time and effort in participating in this survey. Your contributions are invaluable to our research endeavor. The information you provided will significantly assist in enhancing our understanding of blockchain technology and its applications, especially in the gaming sector. Your willingness to share your insights not only benefits our work but also contributes to the broader exploration of blockchain potential. We appreciate your dedication and your contributions to advancing our understanding. Thank you once again for your invaluable support.
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