Academic Feedback
This feedback form this form will be used in conjunction with the feedback provided at the Beef and Pizza event to provide the CHBE department with constructive criticism, as well as positive feedback where deserved.

Survey results will remain anonymous, and the survey will remain open until March 26 2015. The survey results will not be sent directly to the Chemical Engineering department, it will be summarized by Stacey and Roberta, and sent along with the Beef and Pizza feedback.

Thank you very much for providing this feedback, you can be assured that it will be put to good use.

Please submit one response per course.
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Course Department Code *
Course Code Number *
eg 233, 455. For general feedback please use 001
What is your general opinion of this course? *
What did you like or dislike? What would you change? Is the issue the professor or the curriculum? *
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