Research About Bitcoin
My name is Jonathan Giraldo, I am a student of Anthropology at the University of Antioquia (Colombia).
Currently I make my degree paper on bitcoin and different conceptions people who use it have about this. For this reason I address you, I would like you to contribute in the development of my research by answering some questions according to your views and experiences.

Likewise, if you can give me any information about other users or known people who can collaborate at some point, it would be a great addition to my research.

These answers will be used solely as academics for development of the final work data.

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Briefly describe how was your approach to bitcoin?
What motive you to start using bitcoin?
 How many people do you know that are familiarized or uses bitcoin?
How many transactions have you done?
What are your opinions about your experience with bitcoin?
From your experience. How do you envision this type of transactions?
What are the differences that you distinguish between the use of paper money and the use of bitcoin?
What do you think of the controversy about the legality of bitcoin?
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