Walk & Roll to School Day Registration: October 10, 2018
Parents, teachers, school staff -- Sign up your school to participate in San Francisco's Walk & Roll to School Day and receive FREE incentives for students walking on October 10th, 2018!

Note: If you sign up your school, you are agreeing to be the school contact for the event, which includes organizing and promoting the event, as well as reporting the number of students who participate (more info below).
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Your name *
Organizer email address *
Organizer phone number *
School name *
School address *
Example: 1451 Jackson Street, 94109
School Phone Number *
School grade levels *
Check all that apply.
Your role at school *
Poster quantity *
11" x 17" posters for publicizing at school, neighborhood, etc.
2018 Walk and Roll to School Day Toolkit
School enrollment *
Total number of students at your school.
Estimated number of participants *
How many students do you expect to walk or roll to school on October 10th?
How do you prefer to submit student participation counts? *
Walk SF will provide you with stickers to distribute to children who walk to school on Oct. 10th. These are used to count the number of students that actually participate. Submitting actual participation numbers is needed to measure the impact of the event and is a requirement for participating in the event.
How did you hear about Walk & Roll to School Day? *
Check all that apply.
Additional comments?
Please enter below.
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