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Preparing today's youth for tomorrow's world.

Thank you for your interest in this competition! It is open to all local/private institutions aged between 17 – 26 years old. You are to form groups of 2-4 members. Further details on the competition – its aims, process and timeline – can be found at

Registration closes on 24 October 2020.

If you have any query, please write to Ms Manjula:

Full Name (NRIC) *
Birthday (DD/MM/YY) *
Where are you studying? *
Name of school *
What course are you studying? *
Contact No. *
Email Address *
Group Name *
All group members to write the same group name
Group Leader's Full Name *
***ALL group members have to fill up this form
Where did you hear about this competition from? *
Any other enquiries?
I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my personal data by SingYouth Hub for the purpose of registration of this competition. *
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