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Apex Merch Survey
We would love to know your thoughts on our merch!

For reference, here is our current merchandise offerings:
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Have you purchased Apex merch before? *
What kinds of merch would you have interest in buying from Apex? *
What price range would you be willing to spend on an item from Apex merch? *
What might hold you back from purchasing Apex merch? *
Would you be interested in more limited-time exclusive designs, such as special Christmas items or items only available over Black Friday? *
Would you be interested in more book/zine specific merch? *
Preferred colors for clothing?
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If you selected yes to the above, are there any specific books or zines that you have interest in purchasing merch from?
We want to hear from you! Is there anything specific you have to say about any of the above topics or something else regarding Apex merch?
As a thank you for filling out the survey, we're giving away Apex mugs to two random people. Enter your email below if you'd like to enter our drawing.
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