Meet Week 2023 TeachMeet registration
Welcome to the Meet Week 2023 Teachmeet registration page! Please fill out this form if you are interested in presenting. All are welcome to apply to present. No idea is too big or too small! The Teachmeet will be hosted via Zoom on Tuesday 24th of January 2023 from 7pm-8pm. 

Meet Week is an event being hosted by Ciara Reilly and Dr Aimie Brennan in association with the STER (Student Teacher Educational Research) project. The aim of Meet Week is to encourage students and teachers to come together to share practice and talk about their professional learning and development. All students and teachers from across the country are welcome to take part. We will be sharing details and keeping everyone up to date via Twitter and Instagram using #MeetWeek23. You can follow us at:

Ciara Reilly                                                             Dr Aimie Brennan
Twitter: @PrimEdTeacher                                    Twitter: @AimieBrennan or @STER_Ire
Instagram: @ciarareillylecturer                            Instagram: @ster_research

If you have any questions about Meet Week, please don't hesitate to contact us: 
What is your name?
Your answer
If you are on Twitter, what is your username?
Your answer
Are you happy for your name to be tagged in Tweets?
Type of presentation
Brief synopsis of your presentation, in 50 words or so:
Your answer
Tell us a bit about yourself, in 50 words or so:
Your answer
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