NYU Entrepreneurs Network Collaboration Fund
The NYUEN Collaboration Fund provides the opportunity for constituent student clubs of the NYU Entrepreneurs Network to apply for financial grants that help promote entrepreneurship across NYU via cross-club collaboration. Applications must be filed jointly by at least 2 clubs within the NYU Entrepreneurs Network and will be considered on a rolling basis. Please note the following:

 - The maximum budget proposal is $500 per application.

 - Applications should specifically address the financial need and value added to the community. Financial grants can be used towards co-sponsored events, business incubation programs, mentorship programs, etc.  

 - Once an application is approved, the clubs will be asked to submit reimbursement requests with receipts after the expense is made.

 - We also require that all applicants that receive funding submit a blog post within a week of the event about how you benefited from the funds to be included on the NYU Entrepreneurial Institute blog (ww.nyue.org).
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Names/Email Addresses of Club Representatives (Ex. John Smith, js123@nyu.edu) *
These people will receive the decision and answer any follow up questions.
Please list any non-NYUEN club co-sponsors
Describe the project/event and each club's responsibility *
Describe how the event/project adds value to NYU’s startup community? *
Describe your Financial Need *
What specifically will the money from the collaboration fund be used to pay for.  Include other sources of income such as club budget, sponsors, and any payment asked of participants
What NYUEN clubs are co-sponsoring? *
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