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Save As Survey 2022
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Approximately how many episodes of Save As have you heard? *
Why do you listen to Save As? (check all that apply) *
Has the Save As podcast changed how you think or feel about cultural heritage? *
(If Yes or Maybe above) How? Please note how much you agree with the following statements:
Disagree strongly
Neither disagree nor agree
Agree strongly
I've learned about people and places I never knew existed
I know more about the field of heritage conservation/historic preservation
I care more about historic places/cultural heritage
I’m even prouder to be part of the heritage conservation/historic preservation community
I’ve learned that heritage conservation encompasses more than specific buildings
I’ve learned that heritage conservation is as much about the future as the past
I’ve learned that heritage conservation is as much about people as places
I understand better what heritage conservation is (versus historic preservation)
I have a better sense of where the field is headed
I pay more attention to historic places in my area
I know more about careers in heritage conservation/preservation
I’m more interested in attending graduate school for heritage conservation/historic preservation
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Has Save As positively affected how you feel about the University of Southern California (USC) School of Architecture?
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How can we make Save As better?
How did you learn about Save As? *
Have you told any friends, colleagues, or family members about Save As? *
What best describes you? *
Where do you currently live? *
Please share any other comments you have below:
For a chance to win a fab Save As mug, please enter your email address below:
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Thank you so much for your time and insight!
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