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Post Growth Entrepreneurship - 10-Week (Online) Incubation Program Application
Post Growth Entrepreneurship (PGE) reframes business as a form of activism, art, spirituality, and creative expression. This business model embraces flat growth curves and rejects the need for investors, scaling, and exits.  PGE questions entrepreneurial "common wisdom" and re-envisions business as a vehicle for pure positive impact.

Join this bootcamp to actively apply Post Growth Entrepreneurship to your own business endeavours.

More Resources: (26:06-31:02)

Who are you?
Folks with business ideas who don't entirely fit into the "Silicon Valley"-style startup incubation programs. You want to optimize for positive impact, and are looking for like-minded peers and mentors to walk this path with you.

Who are we?
Nonprofit Ventures is dedicated to supporting the Post Growth Entrepreneurial community. We do so by:
1. Supplying academic materials to universities and business schools
2. Organising events, community, and mentoring for (aspiring) social entrepreneurs
3. Training existing businesses and charities to co-create the PGE ecosystem

Details of the online PGE incubation program:
Dates : Q2 2023 (May 23-July 25 - 10 weeks)
Venue : Zoom
This event will be hosted online due to COVID-19.

Contact :
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Here's what we'll be talking about...
Your full name *
Will you commit to attending the entire 10 week incubation program? *
Do you prefer the format to be: *
What is your motivation for wanting to participate in this 10-week (online) Post Growth Entrepreneurship incubator program? *
Do you already have concrete business idea(s)?   If so, how far along are you? *
Do you have any skills you are willing to share with the group?  Professional?  Creative?  What else? *
Are you on Social Media?  (LinkedIn, Twitter, blog, etc..)   Please provide URLs. *
What is your WhatsApp number?   (We will also use this to communicate with you.) *
Where are you geographically located?  (including timezone) *
Sessions will be recorded for future usage by Nonprofit Ventures.   Are you okay with this? *
Other comments?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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