May 6-9, 2015 Central/Western Oklahoma and Western North Texas Tornadoes
OMB Approval No. 0648-0342

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 7 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other suggestions for reducing this burden to Chris Ellis, NOAA National Ocean Service, at, or contact him at 843-740-1195.

Respondents are not identified on their questionnaires, and any reports will present data in aggregate form only.  Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subjected to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act, unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.

Tornado Survey Questions
Tornadoes and severe storms affected a large part of central and western Oklahoma, and western north Texas from May 6th through May 9th, 2015. The National Weather Service in Norman is looking for feedback on the weather information you may have received before and during this event.  We would appreciate it if you answered the following questions regarding that specific tornado event.  Feedback collected from this survey will help the NWS improve products and services with future events in your area.  

The following questions have to deal with the information you may have received before the tornado event and the actions you may have taken.  

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1. How far in advance were you made aware that a tornado would be possible for your area?
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2. People rely on various sources of information when making a decision to prepare for hazardous weather events.  Please indicate how the following sources influenced your decisions on how to prepare before this tornado event occurred.  
No Influence At All
Very Little Influence
Some Influence
A Lot of Influence
I Have No Access
Local Television Broadcast (e.g., ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, etc.)
National Television Broadcast (e.g., Weather Channel, CNN, FoxNews, MSNBC, etc.)
NOAA Weather Radio Broadcast
Commercial Radio Broadcast (e.g., AM, FM, HD, Satellite Radio, etc.)
Print Media (e.g., local newspapers)
National Weather Service Website (i.e.,
Other Websites / Social Media (e.g.,, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) via cellphone
Siren / Community Alerting (e.g., sirens, Reverse 911, vehicle messaging signs, etc.)
Word of Mouth from Friends/Family
Word of mouth from Government Officials (e.g., Mayor, Governor, President, etc.)
Word of mouth from Emergency Management (e.g., police, fire department, emergency managers, etc.)
Word of mouth from Faith Leaders (e.g., Pastors, Priest Imam, etc.)
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3. Based on the information you were given, what did you feel the threat(s) from the tornado would be?  (Please select all that apply)
4. What, if any, special preparations did you take in the days and hours before the tornado event?  (Please select all that apply)
The following questions pertain to the actions you took once the tornado warning was issued for your area.  If you feel you were unwarned, please skip to question #8.    
5. Did you take any of the following actions when you received the tornado warning?
I Do Not Remember
Did you seek shelter?
Did you seek additional information via various media outlets (e.g., TV, Radio, Internet)?
Did you attempt to drive out of the tornado threat area?
Did you attempt to figure out if your specific location was in the warning?
Did you secure your property (e.g., put lawn chairs in storage)?
Did you put a helmet on your head and/or your child’s head?
Did you continue previous activities?
Clear selection
6. Which of the following actions was the first action you took when you received the tornado warning?
My First Action
Sought shelter
Sought additional information via various media outlets (e.g., TV, Radio, Internet)
Tried to drive out of the tornado threat area
Tried to figure out if my specific location was in the warning
Secured my property (e.g., put lawn chairs in storage)
Put on a helmet and/or put a helmet on my child’s head
Continued previous activities
Other (Please state action)
I did nothing
Clear selection
7.       If you sought shelter during the tornado warning, please answer Part A.  If you did not seek shelter during the tornado warning, please answer Part B.  
a. What led to your decision to seek shelter during the tornado warning?  (Please choose the answer that best applies to your situation.)
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b. What led to your decision to not seek shelter during the tornado warning?  (Please choose the answer that best applies to your situation.)
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The following question pertains to the information you may have received during the tornado warning and the actions that you may have taken.
8. People rely on various sources for information during hazardous weather events.  Please indicate how the following sources influenced your decisions as this tornado warning was ongoing.
No Influence At All
Very Little Influence
Some Influence
A Lot of Influence
Local Television Broadcast (e.g., ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, etc.)
National Television Broadcast (e.g., Weather Channel, CNN, FoxNews, MSNBC, etc.)
NOAA Weather Radio Broadcast
Commercial Radio Broadcast (e.g., AM, FM, HD, Satellite Radio, etc.)
Print Media (e.g., local newspapers)
Websites / Social Media (e.g.,, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
National Weather Service Website (i.e.,
Word of Mouth from Friends/Family
Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) via cellphone
Siren / Community Alerting (e.g., sirens, Reverse 911, vehicle messaging signs, etc.)
Government Officials (e.g., Mayor, Governor, President, etc.)
Emergency Management (e.g., police, fire department, emergency managers, etc.)
Faith Leaders (e.g., Pastors, Priest Imam, etc.)
Clear selection
The following question pertains to the information and services you received from the National Weather Service and whether you understood the information and services.  For instance, if you visited a National Weather Service website (e.g., or used a NOAA Weather Radio, then please answer the following questions.  If you feel did not receive your information from the National Weather Service, please skip to question #10.    
9. Please rate your level of satisfaction with the information and services you received from the National Weather Service during this particular tornado.  
Very Dissatisfied
Neither Dissatisfied nor Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Quality of the information or service received
Timeliness of the information or services received
Accuracy of information or services received
Format of the information or services received
Degree to which the information or services received helped you in decision making
Degree in which the information or services received explained the tornado threat and expected impacts
Overall satisfaction with information or services received
Overall satisfaction compared with services/data obtained from other weather information industries (e.g., media, private weather companies, etc.)
Clear selection
10. In a few short words, please explain your understanding of a Tornado Watch.
11. In a few short words, please explain your understanding of a Tornado Warning.
12. Based on your understanding of the National Weather Service’s tornado watch and tornado warnings, how likely are you to take protective action?
Not Likely At All
Somewhat Likely
Very Likely
Tornado Watch
Tornado Warning
Clear selection
13. When the National Weather Service issues a tornado watch or tornado warning for your area, how likely do you think it is that you will experience a tornado near you location?
Not Likely At All
Somewhat Likely
Very Likely
Tornado Watch
Tornado Warning
Clear selection
14. What is your gender?
Clear selection
15. What is your age?
Clear selection
16. What is your race?
Clear selection
17. What is your education level?
Clear selection
18. What is your household income?
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The National Weather Service sincerely thanks you for your participation in this survey.  We will be sure to use your feedback in our continued efforts to improve our products and services that help protect lives and property.  Thank you for your time.
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